
The Friends of Resthaven Foundation Trust has an
exciting 'Market Day' fundraiser for Summer 2024!
It's a day for the whole community to get involved, and the proceeds will go towards equipment for the Cambridge Resthaven care centres.
A fun day for the whole community to enjoy whether you are on the hunt for something special or just happy to browse, maybe looking for something practical, adding some bling to your wardrobe, searching for that bargain, or discovering a treasure!
There will be a stall with groovy second-hand nearly new items, plus a variety of other stalls. There will be music, food, coffee, face painting, and raffles too.
Love a good raffle? We will have a raffle or two at the market. One is for a fabulous premium Kāpiti Cheese Hamper pictured below, thanks to the awesome support of Fonterra South Waikato|Waipā Hapori
(NB. some items in hamper may vary according to availability).
Would you like to book a stall?
From arts, crafts, plants, to community stalls, and more...
To book - ring Julie on 021 253 8283 or email
Stall cost is $15
Bring your own gazebo, tables and chairs

Project ResthaVAN 'Showcase Nights' - 2 Shows
29th & 30th July 2021
Cambridge High School's amazing Extension 4 class have organised a show that you won't want to miss. 'Showcase Night' is a music and dance performance night with some of the incredible talent Cambridge High School has to offer. There are two show times - come along and enjoy a night of great dance and musical entertainment on the 29th or 30th of July at the Cambridge High School hall.
Thursday 29th & Friday 30th July.
Doors open 6:30pm, for 7pm start.
Tickets are $10 for adults; $5 for under 16 or 65+.

'Project RESTHAVAN' - 2021
June 2021
Cambridge High School's amazing Extension 4 class have launched the 'Project ResthaVAN' to help fundraise $70,000 for Cambridge Resthaven for a van!
In the words of the Extension 4 team...
"The main focus of our campaign is to raise funds for a van for Resthaven Cambridge. Hence the name, ResthaVAN.
We have a heap of things planned! Such as a Bingo Night at Resthaven and the Extension 4 Showcase.
Be sure to keep posted on our social media to live the journey alongside us. Our planned events will lead up to our final, main event - a town wide dress-up day themed "Thrifty Fifties" - which will happen on Thursday 5th of August. Extension 4 will be asking help from the business of Cambridge, who we hope will kindly donate to our van fundraiser and get amongst the fun and joy, as we take Cambridge back in time. We also encourage the public to get amongst it.
However, our ambitions do not end there. Yes, we want to help the senior residents who may be needing help in mobility. But there's far more to it than that. To put it simply, our mission is to build a relationship that enriches the lives of Cambridge High School students and the residents of Resthaven Cambridge."

Lisa Lorrell in Concert
Sunday 1st November 2020
Lisa Lorrell has graced the professional stage for over 20 years in the UK, Australia and NZ, specialising in musical theatre and cabaret. Lisa has played numerous lead roles in well known musicals in the London's West End, was the 1995 winner of the vocalist section of England’s prestigious “Stairway to the Stars” National Showcase and was opening guest artist on the national Tom Jones tribute tour 2006.
Popular wherever she performs, Lisa has extended her usual schedule of “Elevenses” concerts to provide this unmissable afternoon of entertainment.
Time: 2pm, with afternoon tea to follow the concert.
Venue: Resthaven Village Centre, 4 Vogel Street, Cambridge.
Tickets: $20. Your ticket will help us fundraise for a state-of-the-art Therapeutic Bath for the Cambridge Resthaven Care facility, enabling our very elderly residents to be gently lowered in for a warm relaxing soak.
To book your ticket: phone Gaylene 027 408 1089.
Directions: Look for No. 4 The Views on Vogel sign with a driveway leading to the Resthaven Village Centre (the same driveway as the Community Garden). There's ample free parking.
5 August 2020

Eric Hill, our wonderful patron, happens to be a VERY talented photographer. He has done this stunning photo book of Cambridge in Lockdown, and the profits from book sales go to our Foundation - how great is that!
If you want this book about our beautiful town during lockdown, to purchase it online click on The Best Little Book Store website. Or pop into Paper Plus Cambridge or Cambridge iSITE, or contact Gaylene Callaghan 07 827 6097. Your purchase will help us fundraise for a Therapeutic Bath for the Cambridge Resthaven Care facility which will allow our very elderly residents to be gently lowered in for a warm relaxing soak. Bliss!